Mylex DAC960/DAC1100 boot disk

This boot disk is designed for systems installing to and planning to boot
from a hardware RAID device in the Mylex DAC960/DAC1100 family. This
includes Mylex DAC960, AcceleRAID, and eXtremeRAID PCI controllers.

This disk is based on the bare.i disk, but has these changes:


Be sure to use it in conjunction with the accompanying color.gz root disk,
or else you won't have any RAID device nodes in the /dev directory.

Files in this directory pertaining to this disk:

README This file.
color-c0raid.gz The RAID-enabled root disk (has /dev/rd)
dac960.i The Mylex DAC960/DAC1100 boot disk
kernel/ Includes the system map, kernel source config file,
and the bzImage for the dac960.i boot disk.

The kernel source and patches used can be found in the ../source/ of the
main bootdsks/ directory.

-David Cantrell