File Name
This directory contains the Chinese translation of Linux mini-HOWTOs.
Some documents are written in HTML format while others are written in
plain text format. All files are written in big5(Chinese Character) code.

The file C-Linux-mini-HOWTOs.tar.gz contains all translated mini-

You may browse the online documents at

This directory is maintained by C.W.Huang <>
If you are willing to contribute to the Chinese Linux HOWTOs
translation project, please contact me!

���ؿ��]�t�F Linux mini HOWTOs ����Ķ���D
���Ǥ��O�H HTML �榡�g���A��l���O�¤�r�榡�D
�Ҧ��ɮ׳��O�� big5 �X�s�g���D

C-Linux-mini-HOWTOs.tar.gz �]�t�Ҧ���Ķ�� mini HOWTOs.


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