File Name
This directory contains the Chinese translations of Linux HOWTOs.
These files were mainly made by many volunteer contributors.
All text files are written in gb2312(Simplified Chinese character) code.
These files are parts of Chinese Linux Document Project.

The files in the current directory are written in plain text format.
They are best viewed by the 'less' utility.

The other subdirectories contain:
- HTML versions of the HOWTOs are located in html directory.
- SGML sources to the HOWTOs are located in sgml directory.
- Linux mini HOWTOs are located in mini directory.

You may also read the online HTML documents at

Primary sites for these translations are:

This directory is maintained by C.W.Huang <>
If you are willing to contribute to the Chinese Linux HOWTOs
translation project, please contact me!

��Ŀ¼������ Linux HOWTO �ļ�������森��Щ�ļ������������Ը��
����׵ģ���е��ļ������� gb2312 ��(��½��������)��д�ģ�
��Щ�ļ��� Linux �ļ�����ƻ���һ���ݣ�

��Ŀ¼�е��ļ��Ǵ����ָ�ʽ����ѹ������� 'less' �Ķ���

- HTML �汾�� HOWTOs ���� html ��Ŀ¼��
- SGML ԭʼ�ļ����� sgml ��Ŀ¼��
- Linux mini HOWTOs ���� mini ��Ŀ¼��

��Ҳ���Դ��Ķ����ϵ� HTML �����ļ�:


��Ŀ¼���ɻ�־ΰ <> �ά����
����Ը��Ϊ�� Linux HOWTO ����ƻ���һ���������������磮