NEWS The NEWS file from this distribution.
README This file.
cederqvist-1.12.11.html.bz2 The CVS Manual as a single bzipped HTML file.
cederqvist-1.12.11.html.tar.bz2 The CVS Manual as multiple tarred & bzipped
HTML files.
cederqvist-1.12.11.pdf The CVS Manual in PDF format. The CVS Manual in postscript format.
cvs-1.12.10-1.12.11.diff.bz2 Patch (diff) from CVS version 1.12.10 to
version 1.12.11, bzipped.
cvs-1.12.11.tar.bz2 The source for CVS version 1.12.11,
tarred & bzipped.
cvs-1.12.11.tar.gz The source for CVS version 1.12.11,
tarred & gzipped.