= How to Run John The Ripper on top of CPUShare =

==== You need a Linux system, any recent Linux distribution will work. You can use virtualization if your native OS isn't Linux. ====

1. Download and unpack the latest CPUShare core package:

tar xjf cpushare.tar.bz2

2. Create the cross compiler environment by following the instructions given by the script.

cd cpushare

3. Download and unpack John The Ripper:

cd ..
tar xjf john-1.7.2.tar.bz2

4. Apply the patch that adds CPUShare support to John The Ripper:

cd john-1.7.2
patch -p1 <../cpushare/patches/john-1.7.2.patch

5. Create the file cpushare_buy/pwd and write an encrypted MD5 password as seen in /etc/shadow into its first line:

echo $1$1234$BdIMOAWFOV2AQlLsrN/Sw. > cpushare_buy/pwd

6. Login into the [ website], create and download your buy order and save it with the web browser inside the CPUShare directory.

7. [ Add Funds with PayPal] if you either don't have CPUCoins in your account or if you want a chance to scale the load over hundred million of CPUs.

8. Go back inside the CPUShare directory and link John as the cpushare_buy project:

cd ../cpushare
ln -s ../john-1.7.2/cpushare_buy

9. Start computing:

./CPUShare start

10. If all goes right you will see the cleartext password at the end of the cpushare-buy-0.log file, it's a 4 char one. You can monitor the progress with:

tail -f cpushare-buy-0.log

11. Enjoy.