File Name
GNU APL comes in different formats.

Normally only one of these files is needed.

Standard GNU project file: apl-1.8.tar.gz

Source RPM: apl-1.8-0.src.rpm
Binary (i386) RPM: apl-1.8-0.i386.rpm
Binary (x86_64) RPM: apl-1.8-0.x86_6.rpm

Debian Source Package: apl_1.8-1.debian.tar.gz
Debian Binary (i386) Package: apl_1.8-1_i386.deb
Debian Binary (amd64) Package: apl_1.8-1_amd64.deb

ELF 32-bit LSB executable i386: apl

PE32 executable for MS Windows/CYGWIN:
(console) Intel 80386 32-bit: apl.exe

A native Windows-10 binary (including an APL keyboard setup):
(console) Intel 64-bit:

Only the Standard GNU project file (apl-1.8.tar.gz) above is fully supported.
The other files can be created inside the Standard GNU project.


The homepage of GNU APL is:
Send bug reports and comments to:
