Interface Ca2dC

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConwayLife2dC, Diffuse2dC
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConwayLife2dCImpl, Diffuse2dCImpl

public interface Ca2dC
extends DblBuffer2dC, DblBuffer2dS

Defines abstract protocol for cellular automata.. Inherits from DblBuffer2d, defines abstract protocol for cellular automata.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object initializeLattice()
          Use this to set up your CA to a default initial state.
 java.lang.Object setNumStates(int n)
          Record the number of states the CA understands.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.space.Discrete2dC
create$setSizeX$Y, makeOffsets, setSizeX$Y
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object setNumStates(int n)
Record the number of states the CA understands.


public java.lang.Object initializeLattice()
Use this to set up your CA to a default initial state. Unimplemented in Ca2d; subclass this to set up initial state of lattice.